Chantel for Butler County Commissioner

As Butler County Commissioner, Chantel will fight for:

  • Local economic development

  • Accessible and affordable childcare

  • Housing options for hardworking families

County government plays an essential role in creating flourishing communities that support the economic well-being of its residents.

Let's build a roadmap to make Butler County a place that people want to live, work, and play in!

Vet by Day

Chantel is a dedicated veterinarian and active member of the Oxford community. In between campaign events and city council meetings, she’s busy saving cats, dogs, and almost any other animal that walk through the clinic door.

Helping Ohioans

In 2017, Chantel had the honor of serving Oxford as part of the City Council. Re-elected in 2021, she currently serves as the Vice Mayor and continues to expand services and improving the lives of her friends and neighbors.


Farm Party Fundraiser

June 2

Independence Day Parade

Oxford, Ohio

July 4

Hamilton, Ohio