Meet Chantel

I'm deeply proud to be a part of our vibrant community in Butler County. Born and raised in West Texas, my journey led me to the heart of Southwest Ohio, where I discovered not just a new home but a place that captured my heart through its people and shared values.

I met my husband Chris on the first day of veterinary school in 2008. After graduating, we moved to his hometown of Oxford, Ohio, to join his father's veterinary practice. When his father retired, we took over the clinic, dedicating ourselves to caring for our neighbors’ pets and the families that love them. After moving to Oxford, I quickly learned that everyone in this town knew my husband and his family. I realized that going to the grocery store meant running into his 4th grade teacher in the milk aisle and that life in our small town means being in touch and connected with each other in a million small ways. 

As I fell in love with Chris, I also fell in love with his hometown and became increasingly involved in local issues. I’m proud to say that I was elected to Oxford City Council in 2017, re-elected in 2021, and currently serve as Vice Mayor. With the support of our community, we have initiated and expanded essential services including composting programs, enhancing our water supply, and broadening access to our local food pantry.


My life has been characterized by commitment for advocacy, accountability, and doing what’s right. At the age of three, I was sexually assaulted by someone my parents thought they could trust, and it taught me that this world needs better adults. As a child, I was vulnerable, but, as an adult, I protect those around me that need it the most. My commitment to creating a safe, nurturing environment is what drives my vision for Butler County.

I am running for Butler County Commissioner because we deserve better adults. An adult who listens, an adult who is willing to invest back into the community, an adult who is willing to collaborate effectively to solve pressing issues. Our leadership should be as compassionate as it is innovative, addressing challenges directly and with integrity.

I’ve been going door-to-door introducing myself to residents and listening to what folks want to see out of our County Commissioners. It’s time for leadership that not only dreams of a better future but takes decisive action to achieve it. Together, we can bring better to Butler County and make a testament to what dedicated leadership can accomplish.

So the next time someone knocks on your door, it may be me saying hello and asking you what I can do for you.